Work done alongside Stephanie Choi and Jingyu Xu for the UTSOA Emerging Scholar Program.
Presented in Goldsmith Hall's Mebane Gallery in November 2022.
"Twilight Requiem is an exploration of ritual and ceremonial objects used in quotidian life. It draws upon Korean folk art forms, aesthetics, and histories to imagine new rituals and objects. A meditation on the twilight of life on earth as we know it, the project draws from the Latin form of requiem mass to envisage cycles of rest and repose, restlessness and wandering. It explores not just the landscapes of twilight, from Romanticism to extinction, but how temporal modalities outside of linear progress can counter the imperial search for the new. It ruminates on death, the afterlife, and the reverberation between realms."
-Stephanie Choi
Presented in video form, 3 animations play side by side along with ambient music that takes the viewer through these worlds, traversing through abstract worlds and giving time and space to reflect on the twilight landscapes.
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